
Animal Husbandry & Dairying

Veterinary Services

Department has opened Vety. Hospitals/Vety. Dispensaries at urban and village level for free of cost treatment of animals. Infertility and deworming camps are organised from time to time in these institutions.

Disease Control & Vaccination

Department vaccinates large animals (cows & buffaloes etc.) against fatal/contagious diseases like FMD, H.S. & Brucellosis. Small animals like sheep, goat & pigs are also vaccinated against some diseases. Vaccination work is free of cost through awareness camps to keep the livestock healthy.

Distt. Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Hisar

Faecal, blood & urine tests are done free of cost in DDD Lab. In addition, tests for TB, JD & Brucella also done free of cost in this lab.

Artificial Insemination Sevices

A.I. in cows & buffaloes is done to improve the breed and milk production. High quality semen is used for A.I. in cows and buffaloes at the cost of Rs.30/- in hospital and Rs.100/- on doorstep.

Registration of Gaushalas & Grant to Gaushalas

Interested Gaushalas are recommended for registration done by Haryana Gau Seva Aayog, Panchkula Registrered Gaushalas are recommended for Grant given by Haryana Gau Seva Aayog, Panchkula and Animal Welfare Board of India, Chennai.

Scheme for Conservation & Development of Indigenous Cattle Gausamvardhan

Milk recording is held at urban & village level to boost Hariana and Sahiwal cows and incentive money is given as per scheme. Under 3/5 Milch Cows Mini Dairy Scheme, 50% subsidy is given on loans through banks to conserve and protect these local breeds of cows.

Intensive Murrah Development Programme

Murrah buffalo, whose home tract is Haryana, is known as Black Gold. Milk recording is performed to boost the Murrah buffalo rearing at urban & village level. Incentive money is given to them. Male calves born out of these buffaloes are purchased by Deptt. on maximum price (ranging from Rs. 20,000 to Rs.30,000). These male calves are supplied to village Panchayats on subsidised rate to improve the breed.

50 Milch Animal Hi-Tech Dairy Scheme

Under this scheme unemployed rural/urban youths are given subsidy in the form of interest subvention on loan (of loan amount not more than 75% of the unit cost) through banks to generate self employment.

3/5/10 Mini Dairy Scheme

Under this scheme unemployed rural/urban youths are given 25% subsidy on loans through banks to generate self employment.

Sheep/Goat Units/3 Milch Animals Dairy Unit (SCSP)

Under this scheme schedule caste families are provided 20 sheep/goat loan upto Rs. one lac on 50% subsidy and 50% subsidy on 3 MA dairy unit.

Piggery Units

Under this scheme schedule caste families are provided loan of Rs.50,000/- for piggery units on 50% subsidy.

Cattle Feed

Cattle feed manufacturers and dealers are registered under Cattle Feed Order 1999 to check the quality of feed, so that farmers may get good quality feed.

Schemes of Department

Sr # Name of Scheme Eligibility Condition How to Apply Document Required Fees to be deposited, if any Amount of AID as per Scheme Maximum Time for Delivery of Services Download Form
1 Scheme for the conservation and development of indigenous cattle gausamvardhan Any animal breeder Through a committee consisting of DD, SDO, SBO, VS & Sarpanch or Ward Member
  • Indigenous Cattle (maximum two animals per farmer)
  • Bank Passbook
Free of Cost Peak Yield in Kg   (Hariana Cows)

  • 08 to 10 Kg = Rs. 10,000/-
  • 10 to 12 Kg = Rs. 15,000/-
  • Above 12 Kg = Rs. 20,000/-

Peak Yield in Kg   (Sahiwal Cows)

  • 12 to 12 Kg = Rs. 10,000/-
  • 12 to 15 Kg = Rs. 15,000/-
  • Above 15 Kg = Rs. 20,000/-

Peak Yield in Kg   (Belahi Cows)

  • 05 to 08 Kg = Rs.  5,000/-
  • 08 to 10 Kg = Rs. 10,000/-
  • Above 10 Kg = Rs. 15,000/-
As per Rule
2 Integrated Murrah Development Programme Any animal breeder Through a committee consisting of DD, SDO, SBO, VS & Sarpanch or Ward Member
  • Murrah Buffalo
  • In lieu of the cash incentive provided owner would be under obligation through an affidavit, not to sell his/her recorded buffalo & its male progeny at least for one year.
  • Bank Passbook
Free of Cost Peak Yield in Kg   (Buffalo)

  • 18 to 22 Kg = Rs. 15,000/-
  • 22 to 25 Kg = Rs. 20,000/-
  • Above 25 Kg = Rs. 30,000/-
As per Rule
3 50 Milch Animal Hi-tech Dairy Unit Any unemployed person having age of 18 to 55 yrs. Through Local Area Vety. Surgeon
  • Application Form
  • Agreement Deed
  • Affidavit
  • Age Proof
  • Two Recent Passport size photos
  • Sarpanch and Patwari Report
Free of Cost The beneficiaries of large size dairy unit of 50 MA animals will be given subsidy in the form of interest subvention will be given by the Department interest amount for 05 years on loan amounting to 75% cost (25% being margin money with the applicant. As per Rule
4 3/5/10 Milch Animal Mini Dairy Unit Any unemployed person having age of 18 to 55 yrs. Through Local Area Vety. Surgeon
  • Application Form
  • Agreement Deed
  • Affidavit
  • Age Proof
  • Two Recent Passport size photoes
  • Sarpanch and Patwari Report
Free of Cost Subsidy @ 25% (50% in case of Indigenous Cattle Dairy Units) As per Rule
5 3 Milch Animal SCSP Mini Dairy Unit/
Sheep/Goat & Piggery Units
Any unemployed person having age of 18 to 55 yrs. Through Local Area Vety. Surgeon
  • Application Form
  • Agreement Deed
  • Affidavit
  • Schedule Caste Certificate
  • Age Proof
  • Two Recent Passport size photoes
  • Sarpanch and Patwari Report
Free of Cost Subsidy @ 50% As per Rule
6 Registration under Cattle Feed Order-1999 Any manufacturer/ dealer of cattle feed Through concerned SDO or DD,AH&D,Hisar
  • Application Form
  • Two Recent Passport size photoes
  • Address Proof of Premises.
  • Manufactures = Rs. 1020/- for 03 years
  • Dealer = Rs. 520/- for 03 years
Nil As per Rule